The TF meets on the fourth Thursday of every month (except August) to review proposed engineering methodologies, savings estimates, and other technical documents. Materials for TF meetings are posted on this page five business days before each meeting; meeting notes are finalized and posted fifteen days after each meeting. 

TF meetings are open to the public. Meeting location and teleconference information are available in the “Meeting and Events” section of this website. Email if you would like to be added to the TF Distribution List with TF meeting and agenda update information.

Click here for general information and travel suggestions for TF meeting locations.


March 28, 2024 (Oakland, CA)
Meeting Notes
Meeting Presentation
2024 Q1 Business Plan Progress Update
ISP White Paper DRAFT v3.0 ( PDF | Word | Redline )
ISP Research Memo Paper DRAFT v3.0 ( PDF | Word | Redline )
Custom Measure Characterization Template
CMP Affirmation Presentation: Boiler Plant Add-On
Draft Custom Measure Package: Boiler Plant Add-On (for TF Affirmation)
CMP Affirmation Presentation: Pump Systems
Draft Custom Measure Package: Pump Systems (for TF Affirmation)
TF Member/Stakeholder Engagement Survey (complete by April 19)

ISP White Paper - Revised Drafts
ISP White Paper v2.0 ( PDF | Word | Redline )
ISP Research Memo Paper v2.0 ( PDF | Word | Redline )

December 14, 2023 (Los Angeles, CA)
RSVP for December Meeting and EOY Celebration
TF Meeting Presentation
Data Streamlining Presentation
Presentation: 2023 Q4 Business Plan Update 
Draft Cal TF 2024 Business Plan v4.0 ( PDF | Word | Redline )
Draft Cal TF 5-Year Roadmap v4.0 ( PDF | Word | Redline )
Stakeholder Comments and Responses on Draft BP and Roadmap
Draft ISP White Paper ( PDF | Word )
Draft ISP Research Memo ( PDF | Word )
Draft Communications and Versioning Memo
Gas Decision (D.23-04-035) Response Memo

November 16, 2023 (Remote)
Agenda (updated 11/14)
Meeting Notes
TF Meeting Presentation
Presentation: Fuel Substitution Measures - Energy Solutions
Report: HVAC Fuel Substitution Measure Research (SDG&E) (added 11/13/2023)
Draft Cal TF 2024 Business Plan v3.0
Draft Cal TF 5-Year Roadmap v3.0
TF Meeting Slido Poll Results

October 26, 2023 (Downey, CA)
Agenda (revised 10/26/2023)
ERC Overflow Parking Information
TF Meeting Presentation
DRAFT Custom Measure Characterization: Chiller Systems (for TF affirmation) (PDF) (Word)
DRAFT Custom Measure Characterization: HVAC RCx (for TF affirmation) (PDF) (Word)
DRAFT PG&E HVAC Tool Summary (for TF affirmation)

September 28, 2023 (Data Charrette #2)
Agenda (posted 9/28/2023)
Commission Data/Modeling Principles - Reardon
Proposal for Improved Data Flow – Al-Shaikh
Proposal to Improve Total System Benefit – Lipp
Proposal for Standardizing Data Requirements – Al-Shaikh
Proposal to Improve Reporting CEDARs and CET – Bohn and Olsen
FutureData:  Proposal for Better Data (Time Series vs. Traditional); Data Principles; Data Storage; Data Applications and Data Access - Desmond

September 21, 2023 (Measure Affirmation)
Measure Affirmation (email distribution - 10/19/2023)
SWAP020-01 Portable Air Conditioner Presentation
SWAP020-01 Portable Air Conditioner Measure Package
SWAP020-01 Portable Air Conditioner Permutation Data

July 27, 2023 (focus on Custom Initiative)
Meeting Notes
TF Meeting Presentation (posted 8/1/2023)
5X Custom Initiative Workplan (affirmed by Cal TF in April)
DRAFT Custom Tools List for Review (posted 7/12/23)
DRAFT Custom Resource Workbook (posted 7/12/23)
DRAFT Custom Measure Characterization: Steam Boiler (for TF Affirmation)

June 21, 2023 (Data Charrette #1)
Agenda (updated 6/16/2023)
Data Charette Presentation
P1 - Parker - NREL - DOE Building Data Tools
P1 - Saiyan - LADWP - LA100
P1 - Fourier - UCLA - Energy Atlas
P2 - Costa - TEC - Equitable Decarbonization
P3 - Desmond - CEDMC Select Comments on CEC Workshop
P3 - Hart - Cascade - Implementer Perspective
P3 - Zwick - SDG&E - Portfolio Manager Perspective
P3 - Richardson - PG&E - Reporting
P3 - Olsen - TEC - REN Perspective
P3 - Yim - Tierra - Data Needs and Innovative Market Opportunities
P3 - Madden - SCE - Building Code Changes

May 25, 2023
Solar Attic Fan Presentation (updated 11/9/23)
Meeting Notes
New Measure Proposal: Solar Attic Fans (POU-Only measure for TF affirmation)
Solar Attic Fans - Permutation Data

April 27, 2023
Meeting Notes
Cal TF Meeting Presentation (PDF)
2023 Q1 Business Plan Progress Update
Update - Comprehensive Deemed Lighting Measure Package
Metric 5X Custom Initiative Workplan (PDF, revised, for affirmation)
Metric 5X Custom Initiative Workplan (Word, revised, for affirmation)
Metric 5X Custom Initiative Workplan (PDF, with redlines)
Metric 5X Custom Initiative Workplan (Word, with redlines)

March 23, 2023
Cal TF Meeting Presentation (PDF)
ISP White Paper Update
Metric 5X Custom Initiative Draft Workplan (comments due April 10)
TSB Overview by PG&E
Metric 4A New Measure Scorecard Update
Metric 8A Cal TF Roadmap Update

March 22, 2023
2023 Enhancement Planning Presentation (PDF)

February 23, 2023
Meeting Notes
Cal TF Meeting Presentation (PDF)
Metric 4A - New Measure Review Process
Metric 1C - eTRM Enhancements Update
Metric 3C - Workplan (for TF affirmation)
Metric 4A - Workplan (for TF affirmation)
Metric 6D - Workplan (for TF affirmation)

January 26, 2023
Meeting Notes
Cal TF Meeting Presentation (PDF)
Metric 4A - New Measure Review Process
New Measures Update - LADWP
Metric 8C - DRAFT Workplan Procedure
Metric 8C - DRAFT Workplan Template
Metric 3C - Communication Plan
Measure Property Data Update

December 15, 2022
Meeting Notes
White Paper Topic Survey (online)
White Paper Topic Survey (Excel)
Cal TF White Paper Topic Descriptions and Comments (PDF)
(blank) Cal TF White Paper Topic Brainstorm Template (Word)
Cal TF Meeting Presentation (PDF)
5-Year Roadmap Brainstorm Presentation (PDF)

November 17, 2022
Meeting Notes
PPT for Draft 2023 Business Plan (PDF)
Draft 2023 Business Plan documents available on PAC Materials page
PPT for eTRM Capabilities for Custom (PDF)
New Measure - Lifecycle Refrigerant Management (LRM) (PDF)
New Measure - Residential Electrification for New Construction Bundle (PDF)
Introductions and Updates

October 27, 2022 (Custom Charette)
Meeting Notes
Agenda and PPT (DRAFT)
Custom Charette Small Group Discussion Template (PDF)
Custom Charette Small Group Discussion Template (Word)

September 22, 2022
Meeting Notes
TF Updates and Custom
Deemed Measure Property Data Memo
Deemed Measure Property Data - Validation List (common examples)
Deemed Measure Property Data Presentation
New Measure - Food Service Program (by Energy Solutions) - with Sunset Measures - updated 9/30/2022
eTRM Release Documentation & Training
Cal TF 2023 Business Plan Update

August 25, 2022
Meeting Notes
Integrated Data Flow and Custom Update (updated 8/31)
Deemed Measure Property Data
New Measure - Modified Lighting Calculator (MLC) Deemed
Deemed Lighting Strategy (by Willdan)
New Measure - Business Energy Reports (by ICF)

July 27, 2022
Meeting Notes
Agenda and New Member Welcome
Existing Measure Updates
New eTRM Tools for Data Visualization (with notes)
Custom Overview and Subcommittee
New Measure Process Updates
Template Presentation for New Measure Proposal (template)
PG&E Deemed Measure Package DRAFT Changes (Data from April 2022 - Please note that these are preliminary results; watch updated data Q3/Q4 2022)

July 25, 2022 (New TF Member Orientation)
2022 New Member Orientation Presentation

June 21, 2022
Meeting Notes
Cal TF, June Meeting Presentation
Custom eTRM Memo - 05-18-2022

August 26, 2021
eTRM v2.2 Base User Training Presentation
Recording available upon request

July 23, 2021
eTRM v2.2 Feature Tour Presentation
Recording available upon request

April 22, 2021
Meeting Notes
eTRM Update
POU Custom Measure Plan
New Measure Process: Update and New Measure Types
New Measure Type Table - Working Draft, 4-15-2021

December 17, 2020
Meeting Notes
Final EE Measure Classification White Paper
EE Measure Classification Presentation
POU Custom Process in eTRM Memo
POU Custom Process in eTRM Presentation
2020 Business Plan Review Presentation
Draft 2021 Business Plan Overview Presentation

December 10, 2020
Meeting Notes
Draft 2021 Business Plan Overview

September 24, 2020
Meeting Notes
Cost Methodology Guidance Final Draft White Paper
Savings Methodology Guidance Final Draft White Paper
Savings and Cost Methodology Affirmation Presentation
Measure Classification Draft White Paper Presentation
eTRM-DEER Resolution Update/Timing Presentation
Preparing for 2021 Presentation

July 23, 2020
Meeting Notes
Draft Resolution E-5082 Overview
GHG Memo Presentation
Cost Methodology Guidance Presentation
Savings Methodology Guidance Presentation

June 25, 2020
Meeting Notes
New Measure Process Overview
Statewide Modeled Measure Savings Template
Statewide Modeled Measure Savings Template - Overview Presentation
Measure Cost Estimation Current Practices & Guidance
Measure Savings Estimation Current Practices & Guidance

April 23, 2020
Meeting Notes
Hybrid Measure Update
Modeled Measures Presentation
SW Modeled Measure Savings Methodology Template (1st Draft)
White Paper Presentation
White Paper Summary - Fuel Substitution Measures
White Paper Summary - EE Bundled Measures
White Paper Summary - EE + DR Bundled Measures
White Paper Summary - Policy Guidance for Load Shapes
White Paper Summary - Classification of a Measure as ET vs Custom vs Deemed

March 12, 2020
Meeting Notes
New Measure Process
2020 White Paper Topics
2020 White Paper Template for Subcommittees

January 30, 2020
Meeting Notes
Overview of 2020 Activities
Prioritization of Whitepapers
Hybrid Measure Strawman
Visioning - Stage 2 Issues Overview
TPP 12 - Low Income Subcommittee Findings
TPP 12 - ESA Final
TPP 10 - Modeling Charrette
TPP 10 - Modeling Charrette Final

December 19, 2019
Meeting Notes
Cal TF Staff Memo on Cost Methodology
Cal TF Staff Memo on eTRM GHG Calculation
Cal TF Staff Memo on Savings Methodology
TPP 10 Modeling
Slide Deck: CET Tool Comparison
Slide Deck: GHG Slides
Slide Deck: 2019 Achievements Relative to Goals
Slide Deck: 2020 Cal TF Business Plan
Slide Deck: Deemed Measure Costs and Savings Methodologies
Slide Deck: TPP 10 Modeling

November 21, 2019
Meeting Notes
Slide Deck: 2020 Measure Development Process QA
Slide Deck: TPP 10 Summary
Slide Deck: GHG Slides
REVISED 2020 Cal TF Business Plan

October 23, 2019
Meeting Notes
DRAFT 2020 Cal TF Business Plan
DRAFT TPP 10: Recommendations for Improving Building Energy Modeling in California
Slide Deck: Draft TPP 10
Draft TPP 11: Statewide New Measure Development and Measure Update Process
Slide Deck: Draft TPP 11
Slide Deck: eTRM Phase 3 Enhancements

October 15, 2019 New TF Member Orientation
Slide Deck

July 25, 2019
Slide Deck

May 30, 2019 Modeling Charrette
Meeting Notes
Exercise #1 Summary
Exercise #2 Summary
Slide Deck
Handout #1: Modeling Characterization Matrix
Handout #2: Current State Tables
Background Material: SCE Building Energy Modeling Roadmap
Background Material: Kromer, Status of Energy Modeling and Data Resources in CA EE Programs
Background Material: Cal TF Technical Position Paper No. 3

April 25, 2019
Presentation: New TF Member RFQ
Presentation: Reducing Measure Permutations
Modeling Categorization Matrix
Presentation: Measure Affirmation
Presentation: HVAC Summary
Presentation: eTRM Training Survey Highlights
HVAC and Commercial Refrigeration Updates

April 18, 2019 HVAC Measure Meeting
Presentation 1: Commercial HVAC Service Measures
Presentation 2: Commercial HVAC Units
Presentation 3: Commercial HVAC Controls
Presentation 4: Residential HVAC Service Measures
Presentation 5: Residential HVAC Units
Presentation 6: Residential HVAC Controls

March 28, 2019
Presentation: Modeling Charette
Presentation: Measure Consolidation and Revised Deck and Revised Deck 2
Presentation: Water Energy
Presentation: Lighting Update
Presentation: Commercial Refrigeration Update

February 28, 2019
Presentation: eTRM Update + Leveraging
Presentation: 2019 Stage 2 Issues Review
Presentation: EAR Draft WP Review Plan
2019 Stage 2 Issues Summary

January 24, 2019
Presentation: HVAC Residential
Presentation: HVAC Residential REVISED
Presentation: HVAC Commercial
Presentation: HVAC Commercial REVISED
Presentation: Unconsolidated Measures
Presentation: Unconsolidated Measures REVISED

December 13, 2018
2019 Business Plan
Cal TF Visioning Presentation
New Measures Presentation

November 15, 2018
Presentation: November TF Meeting Slide Deck
Presentation: Martin Vu’s Water Energy Nexus Slide Deck
Draft 2019 Business Plan

October 25, 2018

September 27, 2018
Agenda FINAL
Draft Statewide New Measure Development and Measure Update Process for Third-Parties
One-Page Summary of Proposed Statewide New Measure Development and Measure Update Process for Third-Parties
Draft Measure Development and Peer Review QA/QC Guidelines

July 26, 2018
Presentation: TPP 9
Presentation: Transition Plan & Outreach Plan

June 28, 2018
Presentation: HVAC Update and HVAC Update Revision
Presentation: Process Measures and Process Measures Revision
Presentation: Building Envelope Measures
Presentation: Pools Measures
Presentation: Other Measures and Other Measures Revision

April 26, 2018
Presentation: HVAC Overview
Presentation: Ag/Pump Measures
Presentation: Appliance/Plug Load Measures
Presentation: Lighting Measures
Presentation: Miscellaneous Measures
Presentation: Water Heating Measures

March 22, 2018
Presentation: TF Member Survey Results & Recommendations
Presentation: Lighting Measures "Tier 1" Report-Out
Presentation: Ag/Pump Measures
Presentation: Water Heating Measures
Presentation: Miscellaneous Measures

February 22, 2018
Presentation: Commercial Refrigeration Measures
Presentation: Appliance / Plug Load Measures
Presentation: Lighting Measures
Presentation: OpenStudio Conversion of DEER Prototypes

December 14, 2017
Presentation: Proposed Process and Schedule for Staff Review of Consolidated Measures
Presentation: Tier 1 Water Heating
Presentation: Tier 1 Lighting
2018 Proposed Business Plan
New Measure Review Process
Draft New Measure Process Comparison Exhibit

November 16, 2017
Presentation: Food Service: Updated Information
Presentation: Measure Consolidation Update
TPP 8: Updated
Tier 1 Appliance and Plug Load
Draft 2018 Business Plan

October 26, 2017
Presentation: October Meeting Overview
Presentation: New Measure Review Process
Presentation: Pool Covers and Home Energy Cal TF Tier 1
Presentation: Food Services Cal TF Tier 2
Presentation: Agriculture / Pumping Cal TF Tier 1

September 28, 2017
Presentation: Subcommittee Update
Presentation: Food Service Subcommittee “Tier 1” Report-Out
Presentation: Commercial Refrigeration “Tier 1” Report-Out

July 27, 2017
Updated Subcommittee Schedule
Draft TPP 6: Statewide Measure Development Guidelines and Internal QA/QC Procedures
Lighting Overview
HVAC Overview
Mowris Presentation
Proposal for New Measure Review Process
Minimum Data Requirements

June 22, 2017
Overview Subcommittee Process
Statewide Deemed Measures List
Measures by technology category
Appliance and Plug Load Overview (revised 6/21/2017)
Lighting Overview
HVAC Overview
Cal TF and Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) Program Coordination
New Cal TF Member Introduction

April 27, 2017
Overview of eTRM Subcommittee Process
Commercial Refrigeration Subcommittee
Water Heating Subcommittee
Agricultural/Pumping Subcommittee
Food Service Subcommittee

February 23, 2017
Smart Thermostat WP
Smart Thermostat Presentation
Responses to Q&A - #1
Responses to Q&A - #2
Calculation of Baseline Adjustment Factor (Excel)
Calculation of Second Baseline (Excel)
Full Measure Cost Analysis (Excel)
Relevant EM&V Studies
High Performance Circulator Pump Workpaper
High Performance Circulator Pump Presentation
Proposed Measures for Consolidation - eTRM 2017
Residential and Prototype Modeling for the eTRM

January 26, 2017
eTRM Work Plan
eTRM Repository - Functionality
eTRM Measure Consolidation Strategic Plan
eTRM Opportunities for Integration

December 1, 2016
Retail Product Platform
2017 Business Plan (Updated)
TPP #6: Measure Consolidation
TPP #7: QA/QC Process

October 27, 2016
2016 Business Plan Update - Q3
Interior LED Parking Garage WP Development and Status
Custom Ex Ante Process Review: Process Review
WRM Methodology for High/Low Bay and Exterior Fixtures
Application of Lumen Equivalency to A-Lamps
Draft 2017 Business Plan
Next Steps Memo
DRAFT Cal TF TPP #6: Overlapping Measure Consolidation Process (Prior to eTRM Placement)
DRAFT Cal TF TPP #7: Current Expected Roles/Responsibilities for High Quality, Technically Rigorous Workpaper Development; Recommended Enhancements
DRAFT Cal TF TPP #8: Preponderance of Evidence for Early Retirement Projects
ACEEE Summer Study 2016: Preponderance of Evidence for Early Retirement Projects Hand-Out - Annotated
Updated TRC Memorandum, LED Baseline Assumptions (October 12, 2016)
Excel File:  LED Baseline Calcs

September 22, 2016
Statewide Draft WP Smart Thermostat Presentation
High Performance Circulator Pump WP Presentation
Garage Luminaire; Menu Board LEDs Presentation
WRR Methodology vs. Lumen Range for A-Lamps Presentation
Draft Workpaper: Statewide Smart Thermostat Device Measure
Attachment: Full Measure Cost and IMC Analysis
Attachment: Calculation of Baseline Adjustment Factor
Final WP: High Performance Circulator Pump (Conditional on Staff Feedback)
Attachment: Measure Cost Calculation
CPUC, Energy Division Comments: "PMS Fan Motor Assemblies for Refrigerated Case Evaporators: Additional EAR Team Thoughts on Program Development." (August 26, 2016)
Documents Relating to Savings Calcs for A-Lamps:
Savings Calcs for A-Lamps Under WRR vs. Lumen Range Method (Excel)
Study: Navigant Consulting, California LED Workpaper Update Study, Final Report (August 28, 2015)(Reference No. 169396)
Study: TRC, Memorandum on LED Baseline Assumptions (August 25, 2017)

July 28, 2016
Smart Thermostat Abstract Presentation
Nest Savings Survey Study
PMSM Workpaper Update Presentation
Garage LED Workpaper Presentation
Garage LED Workpaper
LED Tubes Update Presentation
LADWP/Navigant: Accounting for Codes & Standards in Existing Condition Programs

June 30, 2016
LED Billboards Abstract Presentation
"Catch-All" Measure for VFDs for Small to Medium Fluid Pumps Proposal
Update on Interior Garage Luminaire Workpaper
Update on PMSM - Data Gathering Approach and Results
Updated PMSM Workpaper Abstract
Appliance Recycling Subcommittee Plan
Appliance Recycling Subcommittee Initial Analysis

May 26, 2016
Comparing the Number of Measures in Various TRMs and DEER
Updated Overlapping Measure Consolidation Checklist
Measure Comparison Example: High and Low Bay Fixtures
Measure Comparison Example: Outdoor Street & Area Lighting
Measure Comparison Example: LED Recessed Down Lighting
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Fan Motors Abstract Presentation
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Fan Motors Abstract
LED 4-Pin Presentation
Existing Guidance: Early Retirement Using Preponderance of Evidence
Interior LED Parking Garage Luminaires Abstract Presentation
Interior LED Parking Garage Luminaires Abstract 

April 28, 2016
ETCC Presentation 
Repair Indefinitely and other Opportunity Brainstorm Presentation
Determining the Correct Number of Measures for eTRM
Peer Review Workpaper Review Checklist
Non-Overlapping Measure Review Checklist
Overlapping Measure Comparison Checklist
Overlapping Workpaper Comparison Template
Workpaper Data Source Quality Analysis Template
TRM Analysis Template
LED Outdoor Street Lighting Measure Comparison
LED Measure Subcommittee Summary

March 24, 2016
The first two agenda items concern Technical Forum process questions and will be discussed in closed-door session. 
Measure Selection Subcommittee Report Out Presentation 
eTRM Threshold Technical Issues
eTRM Threshold Process Issues
2016 New Member Solicitation and New Commitments Presentation

February 25, 2016
Technical Position Paper 2: Electronic Technical Reference Manual Proposal
Technical Position Paper 4: Measure Complexity
Technical Position Paper 4 Presentation
Smart Thermostats Presentation
Mini-Splits Abstract Presentation

January 28, 2016
Advance Power Strips Field Trial Presentation
Advanced Power Strips Public Comment - TrickleStar
Advanced Power Strips Industry Presentation - TrickleStar
Advanced Power Strips Industry Presentation - Embertech
Grundfos Efficient Pumps Abstract Presentation
Grundfos Efficient Pumps Measure Abstract
Grundfos Efficient Pumps Supporting Materials
Cal TF Staff Presentation on TPP4: Measure Complexity and TPP5: Best Available Data
TPP4: Measure Complexity
TPP5: Best Available Data
CPUC Ex Ante Consultant's Feedback on Cal-TF Reviewed Measures (Continued from December 3rd) 
TPP3: EnergyPlus vs. DOE2.2 
Presentation on TPP3: EnergyPlus vs. DOE2.2

December 3, 2015
CPUC Ex Ante Consultant Team Presentation
Draft Best Available Information Technical Position Paper (TPP 4)
Draft Measure Complexity Technical Position Paper (TPP 5)
Savings To Code Subcommittee Presentation
Savings To Code Subcommittee Technical Position Paper (TPP 1)
Electronic TRM Presentation
Electronic TRM Technical Position Paper (TPP 2)
Modeling Engine Comparison Technical Position Paper (TPP 3)
POU TRM/DEER Documentation Subcommittee Presentation
POU TRM/DEER Documentation Subcommittee Report and Recommendations

October 22, 2015
Draft Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Workpaper Abstract Presentation
Draft Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Workpaper Abstract
Ex Ante Team Feedback to Cal TF Staff on VRF Approach
Updated Laminar Flow Restrictor Workpaper
Updated Laminar Flow Restrictor Workpaper Presentation
Updated RPP Unit Energy Savings Methodology and Values Presentation
Final RPP Workpaper
Preview of Upcoming Savings To Code Deliverable
Draft 2016 Business Plan
Working Log of TF Member Comments on Draft 2016 Business Plan

September 24, 2015
RPP Unit Energy Savings Methodology and Values Presentation
RPP Clothes Dryers Unit Energy Savings Presentation
RPP Workpaper (working version) 
Laminar Flow Restrictors Presentation
Laminar Flow Restrictors Workpaper
Cal TF Staff Update on "Ex Ante Alternatives" Subcommittee Work
Draft 2016 Business Plan

July 23, 2015
Agenda (updated)
Ex Ante Team Feedback on Cal TF Workpapers
EnergyPlus as an Alternative to DOE2.2 Presentation
Roth Paper on Re-Implementing DEER using EnergyPlus and OpenStudio
Draft Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Workpaper Abstract Presentation
Draft Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Workpaper Abstract
Retail Plug Load Portfolio (RPP) Workpaper Net-to-Gross (NTG) Presentation
Ex Ante Development Guidelines Presentation
Smart Thermostats Workpaper Proposal Presentation
ESource Summary of Smart Thermostats Studies from other Jurisdictions (posted with permission from ESource)
SDG&E 2014 Peak Time Rebate Impact Evaluation with results for EE savings estimates using propensity score matching (see section 5.1)

June 25, 2015
Agenda (Updated 6/19)
Residential Quality Installation Abstract Presentation
Draft Residential Quality Installation Abstract
Residential Quality Installation Subcommittee Recommendations (Draft)
RPP Trial Phase 1 Evaluation Results, NTG Values Presentation
RPP 2013-2014 RPP Trial Evaluation Report (Prepared by EMI Consulting and Rick Ridge for PG&E)
Ductless Mini Splits Research Plan Presentation
Ductless Mini Splits Research Plan Protocol
Commercial Tier 2 APS Update Presentation
Residential Tier 2 APS Update Presentation
Memo on Residential Tier 2 APS EULs
Summary of Smart Power Strip EULs from other Jurisdiction TRMs
Laminar Flow Restrictor Presentation
Laminar Flow Restrictor Abstract

May 28, 2015
DEER Alternatives Subcommittee Summary
Draft RPP Memo to CPUC Staff Summarizing TF Comments (subject to further Cal TF discussion)
RPP Workpaper Presentation
RPP IMC Presentation
RPP Revised Draft Workpaper 
Commercial Tier 2 Advanced Power Strips Workpaper Presentation
Commercial Tier 2 Advanced Power Strips Draft Workpaper
Commercial APS ET Study  
Residential HVAC Quality Installation Abstract Presentation
Smart Thermostats EE Measure Approach Presentation
SDG&E Background Summary of Smart Tstats Approach
SDG&E Summary of EE Research Efforts on Smart Tstats
SCG Summary of Smart Tstats Approach
SCE Summary of Smart Tstats Approach

April 23, 2015
Future Vision of Ex Ante Presentation
Statewide Workpaper List
Statewide Measure List (IOU Workpapers, DEER, POU TRM)
Clothes Washer Recycling Presentation
Clothes Washer Recycling Research Questions
Clothes Washer Recycling Revised Draft Workpaper - click here for final approved workpaper 
Set Top Box Workpaper Presentation
Set Top Box Draft Workpaper
Circulating Block Heaters Workpaper Update Presentation (Updated 4/17)
Circulating Block Heaters Updated Workpaper (Updated 4/17) - - click here for final approved workpaper

March 26, 2015
Ductless Mini Splits Presentation
Ductless Mini Splits Abstract
Pictures of Ductless Mini Splits
NW RTF Approval of Ductless Heat Pump Measure
LED Panels Presentation
LED Panels Draft Workpaper - click here for final approved workpaper
LED Panels Workpaper supporting workbook
LED Retrofit Kits (Direct Install, Schools) Presentation
LED Retrofit Kits (Direct Install, Schools) Draft Workpaper - click here for final approved workpaper
Res HVAC QI and Work Order 32 Presentation
Summary Res HVAC QI Methods to Incorporate WO32 Recommendations
Work Order 32 Final Report

March 20, 2015 Follow-Up Call on RPP Evaluation Plan
RPP Evaluation Plan Presentation
Draft RPP Evaluation Plan

March 6, 2015 Follow-Up Call on LED Tubes
Link to CALiPER Application Summary Report 21
Link to CALiPER Report 21.3
Link to CALiPER Recessed Troffer Lighting report
Link to Veterans Affairs LED and Conventional Lighting Comparison study

February 26, 2015
Interim Workpaper Policy Presentation
Draft Interim Workpaper Policy
Retail Plug Load Portfolio (RPP) Presentation
Retail Plug Load Portfolio (RPP) Draft Workpaper
RPP Supplemental Information on Webcrawling
Advanced Power Strips Presentation
LED Tubes Presentation
LED Tubes Abstract
Clothes Washer Recycling Presentation
Clothes Washer Recycling Draft Workpaper - click here for final approved workpaper
Summary Res HVAC QI Methods to Incorporate WO32 Recommendations
Work Order 32 Final Report
Agenda, updated 2-18-15

February 5, 2015 Follow-Up Call on Conditionally Approved Workpapers from November 21st Meeting
Meeting Notes
Update on Conditions of Approval - Commercial Dishwashers - click here for final approved workpaper
Update on Conditions of Approval - Commercial DC Pool Pumps - click here for final approved workpaper

January 22, 2015
Meeting Notes
RPP UES and EUL Presentation
Advanced Power Strips Presentation
Residential Advanced Power Strips Draft Workpaper - click here for final approved version
Advanced Power Strips Supporting Workbook
Update on CPUC Engagement Presentation
2015 Crosscutting Technical Position Papers Presentation
Measure Complexity Subcommittee Summary
Best Available Information Subcommittee Summary
Savings Below Code Subcommittee Summary
Repair Indefinitely Presentation
Repair Indefinitely ACEEE Paper

December 4, 2014 Follow-Up Call on RPP Abstract
Meeting Notes
RPP IMC Webcrawler Presentation

November 21, 2014 Follow-Up Call on RPP Abstract
Meeting Notes
RPP NTG Bass Diffusion Model Presentation

November 20, 2014
Meeting Notes
Commercial Dishwashers Draft Workpaper* - click here for final approved version
Commercial Dishwashers Presentation*
DC Commercial Pool Pumps Draft Workpaper* - click here for final approved version
DC Commercial Pool Pumps ET Study*
DC Commercial Pool Pumps Presentation*
Draft Measure Selection Procedure
Draft Measure Selection Procedure Presentation
Draft Subcommittee Procedure - click here for final subcommittee procedure
Draft Subcommittee Procedure Presentation
Draft Subcommittee Summary Template
Draft 2015 Business Plan
Draft 2015 Business Plan: List of Proposed Policy Topics 

October 28, 2014 Follow-Up Call on LED Panels Abstract
Meeting Notes
LED Panels Follow-Up Presentation
LED Panels Proposed Baseline Calculation

October 23, 2014
Meeting Notes
RPP Parameter Methodology 
RPP Parameter Methodology Presentation
RPP IMC: Web Crawler Methodology ACEEE Paper
RPP IMC: Web Crawler Methodology ACEEE Presentation
Clothes Washer Recycling Abstract
Clothes Washer Recycling Presentation
Circulating Block Heaters Workpaper
Circulating Block Heaters Presentation
Commercial VFD Pool Pumps Draft Workpaper - click here for final approved version
Commercial VFD Pool Pumps Presentation

October 9, 2014 Follow-Up Call
Meeting Notes

September 25, 2014
Meeting Notes 
Presentation: Issues with Measures--Precision, Complexity, Operations, updated 9-19-2014
Presentation: Workpaper Selection Process and Criteria 
Presentation: Cal TF Subcommittee Process
Unit Heaters Draft Workpaper - click here for final approved version
Unit Heaters Workpaper Presentation  
RPP Overview Presentation, updated 9-17-2014  
(Note to TF members: Please focus on the Revised Abstract and the UEC Calculation Methodology Document when preparing for the meeting)
RPP Revised Abstract 
RPP UEC Calculation Methodology Document
RPP Product UEC Estimates

August 14, 2014 Follow-Up Call
Meeting Notes

July 24, 2014
Meeting Notes
Circulating Block Heaters Abstract
Commercial Variable Speed Pool Pumps Abstract
Commercial Dishwashers 2.0 Abstract
Retail Plug Load Presentation
Retail Plug Load Portfolio Abstract and Appendices 
LADWP Title 24 Presentation

June 26, 2014
Meeting Notes
ENERGY STAR Set Top Boxes, Versions 3.0, 4.0, 4.1, Measure Abstract
Tier 2 Advanced Power Strips Measure Abstract
LED Menu Boards Measure Abstract
LED Recessed or Surface Mounted Panels Measure Abstract
Commercial Condensing Unit Heaters Measure Abstract