Senior Engineer, Pacific Gas and Electric Company

Dr. Arash Kialashaki is a senior engineer at PG&E and a certified Professional Engineer in the state of California. At PG&E, Arash has established and led a team of engineers to provide technical services to Meter-based Platform stakeholders in both population-level and site-level NMEC. In addition, Arash has participated and contributed to statewide subgroups and taskforces to tackle technical and policy challenges in Meter-based Platform and beyond. Arash is an expert in energy modeling software and meter-based analytical tools for energy and demand saving calculations in retrofit and new construction projects. Arash is also an accredited lead GHG verifier for California Air Resource Board. Prior to joining PG&E in 2020, Arash worked as a Senior Engineer at Lincus for six years, where he provided technical services to California’s major investor-owned utilities and their customers.

Arash graduated with a PhD in Mechanical Engineering University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He holds a BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering and an MS in Energy Systems Engineering.